Charlotte Mattox
The Perfect Blend of Service and Expertise
Our goal is for people to see you and say “ WOW! Your glasses look GREAT on you! Where’d you get your glasses? And of course you happily reply “Castle Rock EyeWear!” Eyewear speaks volumes about the person wearing them. After all, it is one of the first things people will notice about you. Let us help you create the image you want people to see. Maybe you want to have a strong yet conservative look for business, on the other hand you’re really a fun and artistic person away from the office. We can help you achieve just the right look. Keep in mind, most of us have more than one pair of shoes in our closet – we can’t always expect just the right look with only one pair of glasses or sunglasses. Not to mention our need to accessorize!
Charlotte Mattox offers over two decades of professional experience and more certifications and licenses than most in her field will ever think about acquiring. As an optician and optical boutique owner, Charlotte shares her expertise as an optician to everyone in Douglas County and beyond. Castle Rock EyeWear is a hands-on operation with Charlotte and Jim, her husband of 25 years, personally handling all of the operational tasks essential in offering a level of service and selection that is better in every way.
Our belief is that continuing education on the very latest lens technologies is critical to our ability to offer and deliver to our clients the very best eyewear designed to meet all of their optical needs. Charlotte has received and maintained both her ABO and NCLE certifications. These were required before she could sit for the board exams to acquire her state license. She takes great pride in the fact that this challenging process not only gave her a tremendous breadth of knowledge, but it is also a process that is not required in many states, including Colorado. There are no license or certification requirements for opticians in Colorado.